By Sarena Tien You slide the bracelet over your hand, expecting it to fall straight down your forearm. “Hey,” you say to your friend,...
By Julie Winterich If you find this title ugly, you’re right. It’s jarring and upsetting. So is sexual violence. I’m a professor of sociology...
By Judy Leigh She will need new shoes. She looks at her feet, the sore feet, the feet that danced all night. The feet...
By Taylor Bak I will write these poems until I prove you wrong, I will write these poems even if they’re a “waste...
This online gathering represents a tiny sampling of all those whose lives have been influenced, impacted, ignited, and inspired by June Jordan’s relentless and fiercely...
Inspired by the work of June Jordan we have both offered artistic, sonic, and poetic meditations on June Jordan’s, A Poem about My Rights.
In our current times of collective struggle’s reinvigoration, the life and works of June Jordan provide vital lessons. Writing between the 1960s and the early...
By Alexander Stoffel Season five of Shonda Rhimes’s wildly popular show Scandal drew approximately eight million viewers per episode. What does it mean to...
By Jordan Prochnow During my sophomore year in high school, I joined the robotics team. The majority of the team consisted of mostly boys;...
The Night I Met Gregory Corso, or Go Pump Yourself I am early for Dinner With the handsome misogynist lawyer Who is much older...
By Chris Arreola Last year, I visited the San Francisco State University (SF State) Student Health Services center to receive testing for sexually transmitted...
By Katie Suleski little boys pick on little girls they adore but sometimes big boys, to little girls take things too far “boys will...
Happy New Year! We are raising a glass to you — and to us. Because of your dedicated support, TFW continues to be a critical...
By Yaqing Yang I’ve grown a “failure” to my Dad and “lost” to my Mom and Gram. Yesterday, I read an article published by BuzzFeed...
Dear Communities: We are grateful for your engagement with this Forum over these past two and half weeks—reading, comments, and sharing with others. Your interest...
By Sa Fa *”Collective Voice of the Voiceless”: Campus Violence, Resistance, and Strategies for Survival Forum Contribution* and then one day you finish your...
By Shither *”Collective Voice of the Voiceless”: Campus Violence, Resistance, and Strategies for Survival Forum Contribution* The spatial...
By Jallicia Allicia Jolly This is a purely womanist message/ode to the SHEroes served on a fuck-these-systems platter. Sprinkled with revolutionary Black women wisdom (RBW), it...