Dear TFW Supporter, For more than six years, TFW has been a labor of love. We’ve dedicated countless hours to reading, writing, reviewing, and editing,...
By Lina Chhun Today I sat in my car and I waited for the sun to set. I can’t remember the last time I...
By Mina Ezikpe On 20 September 2016, the day after the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott, I, with a few others, traveled...
By Christiane Gannon My female students are discussing their relationship to criticism, gathered at the back of the room in two groups. On the left...
In her Introduction to Skin Deep, Spirit Strong: The Black Female Body in American Culture (2002), an edited collection of essays engaging the hyper-presence of...
Throughout the #BlackSkinWhiteSin forum I was asked the question, “so sis, what’s next?” The truth is, this work intentionally leads to a variety of openings...
By Jade Perry Last Monday a good friend sent Juanita Bynum’s “No More Sheets Part 2” via inbox with the caption, “She’s baaaaack.” I clicked...
By Kimberly Peeler-Ringer I was getting a feel for my own preaching voice right around the time Juanita Bynum’s “No More Sheets” came out. I...
By Alisha Lola Jones Ok, we don’t wear girdles no more, but have you heard of SPANX? Have you heard of something that keeps you...
During my senior year of college, sometime between 2002 and 2003, a good friend of mine—let’s call her Nicole—alerted me to Juanita Bynum’s No More...
By Melanie C. Jones Since the European male’s predatory gaze upon African women on precolonial African soil, the Black female body in Western culture has...
By Candice Benbow I remember the first time I watched Juanita Bynum’s “No More Sheets” sermon. Family members had just come back from the Woman,...
By Melva L. Sampson In 1996, I sat in an auditorium-styled mega church sanctuary in Washington, DC along with hundreds of other mostly Black women...
By Monique Moultrie When Prophetess Juanita Bynum’s most recent Facebook live video came to my attention it was yet another example of Bynum’s attempts at...
By Keri Day I remember encountering Juanita Bynum for the first time as a college student at a Church of God in Christ (COGIC) Jurisdictional...
By Neichelle Guidry One Sunday during my childhood, a woman in my church approached me with a “gift.” “God has led me to give this...
On Monday January 30th, as America spiraled out into unparalleled capitalist, sexist, hetero-patriarchal, homophobic, ableist, white nationalist, Islamophobic, devilish entropy, discombobulation and corruption, Dr. Juanita...
By Kylie Nicole Gemmell During my last quarter as an undergrad, I had the opportunity to create, facilitate, and teach my own course. This...