And now, I hung on to June Jordan’s every word. I watched her on screen in Pratibha Parmar’s A Place of Rage. Her words were...
june's voice was a stranger in my mouth. she did not equivocate or dissemble; she did not hide her meaning in metaphor; she did not...
I think of that bawdy, drinking, version of June Jordan, the one laughing loudly and cussing. I can only hope that she would read my...
You loved South African women struggling to Free South Africa and wrote for them “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Your love of...
This article is brought to you courtesy of the Black Feminisms Forum Working Group of which Kimalee Phillip is a member. The Black Feminisms Forum...
In our current times of collective struggle’s reinvigoration, the life and works of June Jordan provide vital lessons. Writing between the 1960s and the early...
Jordan’s insistence on the arts as a source of power was not confined to the limits of the page. She was a fiercely committed...
By Alexander Stoffel Season five of Shonda Rhimes’s wildly popular show Scandal drew approximately eight million viewers per episode. What does it mean to...
By Zillah Eisenstein This is an offering for after “Super-Tuesday’s” outcome…when many of us are beginning to think that we will have to vote for...
By Jazlyn Andrews “That girl doesn’t have an ass.” The words hurled through the thick, humid air as if lobbed by a knife-thrower and...
The last two years have seen an upsurge of highly-visible demonstrations and growing movements against racism across the world, from #BlackLivesMatter in the United States...
By Chris Arreola Last year, I visited the San Francisco State University (SF State) Student Health Services center to receive testing for sexually transmitted...
By Zillah Eisenstein Dear Cecile Richards, You are amazing, along with the huge Planned Parenthood apparatus that delivers health care and reproductive freedom to millions...
Happy New Year! We are raising a glass to you — and to us. Because of your dedicated support, TFW continues to be a critical...
Dear Communities: We are grateful for your engagement with this Forum over these past two and half weeks—reading, comments, and sharing with others. Your interest...
By Sa Fa *”Collective Voice of the Voiceless”: Campus Violence, Resistance, and Strategies for Survival Forum Contribution* and then one day you finish your...
By Martina “Mick” Powell *”Collective Voice of the Voiceless”: Campus Violence, Resistance, and Strategies for Survival Forum Contribution* i will let you have this...
By Akiera Xavina Charles *”Collective Voice of the Voiceless”: Campus Violence, Resistance, and Strategies for Survival Forum Contribution* As a humble Afro-Caribbean, Bedstuy native,...