Charismatic black men slapping black women around are funny. This was the takeaway conveyed by some audience members at a screening I attended of the...
In the recent swirl of epic violence, mayhem and gun-besotted hysteria that has become the lifeblood of corporate media, no one is asking about the...
Every Sunday for the past several years the mug of real estate mogul/slumlord and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling has commanded prime ad space in...
Editors Note: Instead of focusing on one or two specific Feminists We Love, this Valentines Day we highlight a photo-documentary project that uplifts progressive African-American...
A white family grieves in outrage after their teenage daughter has been gunned down by a black homeowner in an African American neighborhood. In this parallel universe the...
Thandisizwe Chimurenga is an award-winning, freelance journalist based in Los Angeles. She came to journalism through activism, understanding how powerful media can be for destroying...
I’m honored to be recognized as the Secular Woman of the Year by Secular Woman, a feminist gender justice organization dedicated to “amplifying the voice, presence, and influence...
It isn’t until the end of director Marta Cunningham’s new HBO documentary film Valentine Road, the gut-wrenching chronicle of the 2008 classroom murder of 15...
In a predominantly Black South L.A. continuation school class packed with eleventh and twelfth grade girls, only half want to go to college, few can...
Last weekend, at Black Skeptics Los Angeles’ scholarship ceremony, my colleagues and I had the profound honor of giving scholarships to five brilliant youth of color who...
In the 1972 song “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” Lou Reed evokes the paternalistic image of “colored girls” cooing in the background to...
For Every Woman In Every State The Reversal of Abortion and Birth Control Rights Must Stop Now! The following statement from the Stop Patriarchy Coalition is...
High stakes test question: A female science student conducts an experiment with chemicals that explodes in a classroom, causes no damage and no injuries. Who...
Seventeen year-old Jamion Allen is a senior at Washington Prep High School, a predominantly African American and Latino school in South Los Angeles. Over the...
As the lead attorney for Proposition 8 trotted out the standard Christian fascist “marriage is only for procreation” party line before the Supreme Court yesterday,...
For the past several months, Crenshaw Boulevard in predominantly black South Los Angeles has featured a series of striking billboards condemning homophobia and its role...
By Sikivu Hutchinson On Violent Silence: When I was five years old I was sexually assaulted by neighbors. Ours was a tranquil post-white flight neighborhood...
Standing in line at the California Science Center the day of the mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary school, my students wondered aloud about the...