In late September of 2012, we gathered at the site where the remains of eight murdered women and girls were found in an open...
By Maria Faini and Kim Tran Thirty-one year old Savita Halappanavar died in late October from a miscarriage. News of her death haunts women around...
By C. Riley Snorton and Mecca Jamilah Sullivan Today marks the conclusion of the voting period, which will settle numerous electoral decisions, including various seats...
By Madihah Akhter As the upcoming U.S. presidential election dominates the headlines, the uncomfortably familiar rhetoric prioritizing religion’s role in American politics continues. One can...
Malala Yousufzai, the 15-year old who was shot by the Taliban in Pakistan on October ninth, has undergone successful surgery to remove the bullet from...
Today, September 26th, is World Contraception Day. And here at TFW, we invite you to consider what contraception has meant and may still mean to...
Examine the image above carefully. What do you see? No, it’s not a parody from The Onion. It’s actually the cover of this week’s edition...
By Mejdulene B. Shomali When my sisters and I were young, we’d ask our father to tell us a story before bedtime. I’m not sure...
By Fakhra Hassan The date is 28th April, 2012. The city is Lahore. The venue is the Lahore Press Club. On behalf of the Institute...
By Marie-Laure Rives Today is Go Topless Day! is a U.S.-based organization founded in 2007, claiming that women have the same constitutional right as men...
By Nishant Upadhyay I was born June 5, 1984 in Prince Edward Island (PEI). In Amritsar that day, Indira Gandhi ordered Indian troops to attack...
By John Murillo III Meditations on African performance and subjectivity are always already spoken by this grammar and haunted by these ghosts. For whatever...
By Dana Olwan and Sophia Azeb For too long, Muslim feminists have endured the question of whether Islam and feminism can coexist. This seemingly innocent...
By Amal Rana “how come you don’t cover your hair?” my breath punches out of me in one big gasp as I pretend not to hear...
By Prof Dr. Ibrahim Abdurrahman Farajajé Islam can be fun! (Especially when dismantling interlocking oppressions and building just, sustainable, loving and laughing communities of resistance:...
Three women of Namibia who have been diagnosed as HIV positive were coercively sterilized in violation of their basic rights, the High Court in Windhoek found...
By Sinat Giwa I’m told that I’m a stickler for formalities. My house on Rockwell Street in Chicago was its own sovereignty, where no closed doors...
By Laurent Dubois On Friday, July 6, the French Football Federation announced that it would ban the wearing of hijab during all organized competitions held...