In her Introduction to Skin Deep, Spirit Strong: The Black Female Body in American Culture (2002), an edited collection of essays engaging the hyper-presence of...
By Chichi Okonkwo The 21st century has seen continued “cloud” popularization and, with it, memes. The commonality of memes and our propensity to reduce sentences...
By Amelia Roskin-Frazee **Content Warning: sexual violence, hate speech** We’ve all had at least one friend tell us, “Don’t read the comments.” The...
By Judy Rohrer In the beginning of September I published a short article on a Hawai’i news site analyzing what I thought to be obvious...
By Dorie Holst A favorite quote of mine is (mis)attributed to national treasure Betty White, “Why do people say ‘grow some balls’ ? Balls are...
By Alex-Quan Pham * “Collective Voice of the Voiceless”: Campus Violence, Resistance, and Strategies for Survival Forum Contribution* My childhood was spent speaking tiếng...
By Shama Nathan My friend and I sat on his back porch, slithering in the Caribbean heat. We sat in quietness, mostly slapping...
In retrospect, I blame E.T. for my homosexuality. Were it not for that genderless brown lump, I would’ve never tuned in to the excess of...
Gaayathri Nair, "I have been integrated, assimilated, subsumed and transformed forever by the experience of growing up other. It is like a chemical reaction, both...
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