By Jamila K. Wilson As an activist in Philadelphia, I have been mentored by Pam and Ramona Africa of the MOVE family. They are...
The Feminist Wire Exclusive: Mumia Abu-Jamal offers a timely message for Martin Luther King Day that addresses the gender politics of the Civil Rights and...
By Kimberly George My feminism and my love of football have a complicated relationship. When I was eight and watching Dave Krieg, Steve Largent, and...
By Samantha Pevear I lie on my bed with my legs against the wall, feet arched towards the ceiling. I begin banging my heels into...
By Mohadesa Najumi Dedicated to my Mother, Kateryna, Hala, Kim, Gabby and @buonasahra Dear woman who has been told to quieten down, speak softer and be less...
By Kenneth Pass I’ve been secretly dealing with a past sexual violation of my body for 10 years. I am a black man, and the...
Recently, NYU Press published 22 Ideas to Fix the World, edited by Piotr Dutkiewicz and Richard Sakwa. It’s a fine book, full of smart, engaging, and...
By Francesca Mastrangelo When we think of love, concepts of romance, nostalgia and other variations of tenderness often come to mind. Without a doubt, thoughts of...
By bell hooks Editors’ Note: Though some of the fanfare surrounding Sheryl Sandberg (of Facebook and Lean In fame) has died down, Sandberg is back...
Zerlina Maxwell holds a JD from the Rutgers University School of Law and a BA in International Relations and Affairs from Tufts University. Over the...
TFW Collective members Tamura A. Lomax and Heidi R. Lewis participated in the first ever Love Your Body Day Google Hangout hosted by the National...
By Kelly Macías If you’ve been paying attention, the last three months have made for a fascinating study in leadership; or more specifically, the lack...
By Tanwi Nandini Islam Feminism is the hustle to survive in a world that does not care about you. The latest Internet satire tells us...
By Emily J. Lordi I will let others explain why The Electric Lady, released earlier this month, is Janelle Monae’s most beautiful, expertly pop and...
By Darlena Cunha Welcome to the UFC’s (Unified Feminists Championship) main event tonight, folks. Refereeing this good match is the esteemed bell hooks, known for...
By LaKisha Simmons In response to your racist memes and our ensuing discussion. You believe that race “doesn’t matter in today’s day,” that you treat all...
In 2000, I left my ex and a slew of memories in Santa Cruz and relocated to Whidbey Island, Washington, where I secured a sweet...
Nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Documentary in 2010, U People is a music video, a documentary LGBT film, and a...