
Feminists We Love: Zerlina Maxwell (Video) – The Feminist Wire

Feminists We Love: Zerlina Maxwell (Video)

domestic violence, sexual assault, and victim-blamingZerlina Maxwell holds a JD from the Rutgers University School of Law and a BA in International Relations and Affairs from Tufts University. Over the past few years, she’s become a force to be reckoned with regarding policy and culture, especially domestic violence, sexual assault, and victim-blaming. In 2008, she served as a field organizer managing President Barack Obama’s “Campaign for Change” office in Virginia, and she is also a frequent contributor and guest host on “Make It Plain” with Mark Thompson on SiriusXM Left, Fox News, and MSNBC.

Maxwell reigns supreme in cyberspace, so much so that BuzzFeed named her one of “19 People Who Forced their Way into the Political Conversation through Twitter,” The New York Times named her “A Twitter Voice to Follow,” she was named one of “The Feministing Five,” BET named her “16 Political Commentators to Watch on Twitter,” and she made Salon’sTwitter 50” list during the most recent Presidential election. Additionally, the State Department invited her to conduct a video conference for the U.S. Consulate’s American Studies Resource Center at An-Najah National University in Nablus about social media activism. She has over 27K followers on Twitter, up more than 10K from just last year. She is also a regular contributor for Ebony, BET, RH Reality Check, and The Grio. She also contributes to the New York Daily News, Loop 21, Feministing, The Root, and many other publications both in print and online.


Part I: Feminism and Social Media (approx 5 mins)

Part II: Rape and Sexual Assault (approx 6 mins)

Part III: Law School (approx 7 mins)

Part IV: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (approx 9 mins)

Part V: What’s Next? (approx 7 mins)

Suggested Links:

Maxwell on Hannity, “Giving every woman a gun is not rape prevention!”

5 Ways We Can Teach Men not to Rape” by Zerlina Maxwell
Spark’s5 Questions with Zerlina Maxwell
Zerlina Maxwell Responds to Backlash on Melissa Harris-Perry
Zerlina Maxwell on the “N-Word”
Zerlina Maxwell’s YouTube Channel