some said you were the spitting image of evil
after Carrie Mae Weems
you became drum became washboard became
hum became tincan became numb became
cowbell became screendoor became dirtfloor
became skillet became clothesline became
dumb became plow became yardbird became
heifer and bitch became wagon became
hitch became bible became barbwire
became strum became headrag became drum
became biscuit became pitchfork became
hum became slopjar became shit became
northstar became pitstop became boxspring
became mule became numb became shotgun
became sunflower became battleaxe
became dumb became whisper became drum—
i sell the shadow to sustain the substance
after Glenn Ligon & Sojourner Truth
as black woman i am untitled—nameless
my heart a faint glow of neon wire
buzzing toward some shameless demise
i stand against walls looking nonchalant
flashbulbs mistake me for celebrity
or bored whore same difference— as black woman
i am installation art as negress
my heart a black plastic bag ghosting streets
what parts of we ain’t for sale as woman?
black skin shiny as gold teeth worthless swag
is this body possible? or do i
merely exist as melancholy gesture—
self-portrait as shrug eye roll blank stare
sacrificing shadow the body remains
root of all Eves(alternate take)
after Wangechi Mutu
there: herself and the square root of herself
incubating just below the surface
her trachea tree bark dark organic
her body: a panic of random hands
feet of motorcycles, tail of purple
feathers—a headdress of chaos and thorns
she teeters between celebrate and mourn
the left arm a trunk of flesh recently severed—
perhaps punishment for picking what felt
free and firm as a missing left breast
machete is a motherfucker when
wielded by an angry god or at least
that’s what the legend will have us believe
god or man cleave or cleft what is left? Eve
t’ai freedom ford is a New York City high school English teacher, and 2013 Pushcart Prize nominee. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Drunken Boat, Sinister Wisdom, No, Dear, The African American Review, PLUCK!, Vinyl and others. t’ai lives and loves in Brooklyn, New York, but hangs out digitally at: