By Stephanie Gilmore and Pia Guerrero We at The Feminist Wire, as well as so many of us across the United States and around the world,...
(Editors’ Note: The introduction to the series on #everydaysexualviolence is here. It contains a detailed trigger warning.) Alabama summers brought intense heat (and they still do)...
Wagatwe Wanjuki is a feminist activist working and living in the New York City area. She uses new media tools to advance social justice. You can...
We at The Feminist Wire, and many people around the United States, were shocked but not surprised by the Supreme Court decision on Hobby Lobby....
According to that radical feminist organization, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, domestic terrorism is intended “to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.” Okay, so I...
Aishah Shahidah Simmons — my sister and comrade across miles and years, and the visionary behind the historic forum you’ve been reading for the...
Editors: Susannah Bartlow (guest editor), Stephanie Gilmore, Duchess Harris. A lot of the daily cycle of social justice work involves hassle, toxicity and disrespect. Whether...