By Kaila Philo
We spend the majority of our days
primping and preening dead protein
adorning our crusty scalps as if,
this dead protein were our crowns,
made us pretty princesses in this great
kingdom indwelled by normality.
We curl and we straighten,
we perm and we relax,
we dye and we dye and we
for what?
We fear baldness,
we loathe that exposure of our
true human forms,
attributing baldness with terminal illness,
branding barren women as lepers,
casting them off into the shadows
of our dominion,
instead of
deeming them nobility
for disposing their tiaras,
dispelling this illusion of their royalty
and walking among the peasants.
Kaila Philo is a 17-year-old queer Buddhist writer. She plans to attend Sarah Lawrence College as an English major and eventually join the Peace Corps as an English teacher. She also hopes one day to publish an array of books promoting gender equality, body positivity, and overall peace.