
Changes to TFW's Submission Policy – The Feminist Wire

Changes to TFW's Submission Policy

The Feminist Wire is a collective.  We are a group of people who all have day jobs and/or schooling, partners and families, activist work, and other pressing commitments. As such, our work for TFW is entirely voluntary. What we do for TFW we do for love and justice, and we multi-task incessantly.

For a core group of us, our commitment to TFW involves extensive copyediting of guest contributions. And please hear us: we welcome these submissions. After all, TFW would not be what it is without our loyal readers and contributors; more than half of our published essays have been by non-Collective members.

And yet, many of us on the Collective have experienced a by-now familiar annoyance: editing a piece, investing our time and energy, only to be told after the fact that the piece has been published elsewhere. This is a waste of our time, and ultimately yours, and it’s also a violation of our existing policy.

So effective immediately, we have a new submission policy. The major change is that we no longer accept simultaneous submissions. But in return, we promise a two-week or less turnaround with feedback and a publishing decision.

We hope this revised policy will allow us to remain relatively sane while still welcoming guest contributions.