
Introducing: Mecca Jamilah Sullivan… – The Feminist Wire

Introducing: Mecca Jamilah Sullivan…

TFW welcomes Mecca Jamilah Sullivan to our Editorial Collective.

Mecca Jamilah Sullivan is from Harlem, New York. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming internationally in publications including Callaloo, American Fiction, Best New Writing, Crab Orchard Review, Bloom, Lumina, Amistad, The Minnesota Review, 2010 Robert Olen Butler Fiction Prize Stories, Baobab: South African Journal of New Writing, American Visions and GLQ. She is the winner of the Charles Johnson Fiction Award, the William Gunn Fiction Award, the James Baldwin Memorial Playwriting Award, as well as honors from Glimmer TrainGulf CoastAmerican Short Fiction, Best New Writing,Philadelphia Stories, the Boston Fiction Festival, Sol Books, Temple University, Del Sol Press, the NAACP, and others. She is the recipient of scholarships, fellowships, and residencies from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, The Yaddo Colony, the Hedgebrook Writers’ Retreat, the New York State Summer Writers’ Institute, the Center for Fiction and Williams College. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in English Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, completing her dissertation on voice and difference in contemporary women’s literature of the African Diaspora.

For information on our other amazing board members please visit our Editorial Collective page.